Kal Penn teaches investing
Former White House staffer and celebrity, Kal Penn, joins Yieldstreet to explain the secret sauce of private market investing. The :30 spot aired on targeted channels like CNN, Fox News, and Bloomberg to reach our investor audience. Long-format videos were cut down into more than a dozen short-form videos that sent viewers to a landing page. While this campaign launched during the challenging backdrop of the 2022 selloff, we renegotiated a second run in 2023 due to the creative's exceptional performance in testing, increase in website traffic, and longer-term brand recall results.

:30 Broadcast "Future Kal Penn" Yieldstreet

Stills from :30 campaign

alternative investing with kal penn - informative

How did people invest in private markets before Yieldstreet? Informative
how did people invest in private markets before yieldstreet? informative

Still from long format contnet